Little But Crucial Steps to Find Your Dream Job

Mohid Ahmed
5 min readMay 18, 2020


recruitment, job search, job hunting, dream job

You ever wondered what is stopping you from getting your dream job? Well employment ratio could be one of the factors but other than that, why you are not able to achieve what you look for? In terms of job, it is never easy to break into your preferred market or industry for a start.

Before we get into how to acquire your dream job, let us get our heads into what is a perfect job for you and how you will find it?

For more tips on career growth, check out Colaraz: A talent management platform for young professionals.

What is Your Dream Job?

It is not hard to answer. Whatever you love to do and want to pursue your career doing it, that is your dream job. In other terms, things that are the passion that drives all the excitement in you, that brings you joy and you imagine doing it professionally one day, that is a dream job for you.

How to Find the Perfect Job You are Looking for?

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Not everything that we like to do is easy to follow in our careers. Sometimes we do not even realize what our true passion is.

Here are some tips you can follow to find out what you love doing and if it will do you any good in future.

What Do You Love Doing?

What is it that you do for most of the day? What is it that when you are into it you lose count of the time? Things that you do and you do not feel like you are working, that is what you want to do professionally.

What Do You Often Read About?

What is it that always catches your eye while surfing on the internet? What you end up reading? What topics pique your interest? These are the little things, which you need to notice to find your passion. You can continue with it in future as your dream job.

Ask Other People

It is your journey and you have to discover your passion on your own but it is okay to ask people for their experiences as you learn much from them. See how others have done it.

How did they find out what their true passion is?

How did they know the job they are doing is their ideal job?

Be open to advices. People tend to like advising others and sharing their personal experiences.

Research a Lot

Before you finally choose your passion as your career, research a lot. Utilize your time on the internet and study what you can about the things you like to do. See what the possible professions for it are and what the scope is. Keep an eye for reviews.

Be Open to Options and Never Quit

Now this is the worst-case scenario where you fail to find your passion, you grew bored of it, or you are not fond of doing it anymore. We are humans and we experience a change of heart often. For this purpose, you have to be open to your options. Meaning, there can be more than one passion in life.

Try everything that you like doing and follow the one that you think is leading to somewhere.

Steps to Land Your Dream Job

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Now that you have found your passion and you know what job suits you best, the million-dollar question is how to acquire it?


When you have found what you are looking for, the first step in trying to achieve it would be putting yourself to a test. See to what extent you can go for your dream job.

What are you willing to do?

What are the things that can stop you from it?

Seek your strength and weaknesses.

Plan Ahead: Establish Career Goals

A very crucial step is to establish your career goals. Define your agenda. Question yourself how you will break into that particular job. See how you can make a name for yourself in a specific industry. Plan everything ahead and act accordingly.

Get an Internship First

If it is what you love to do, you might have sufficient knowledge already. However, doing things professionally differs highly from doing things in a normal routine. This is why you should try to find an internship first to try your skills out and get a grasp over things.

Do not consider Your Zero Experience as no Experience

Experience is a plus when looking for a job. This is why we suggested getting an internship first. Although, if you are following your passion, you already know what you are dealing with. You are better than most of the people sitting with your dream job having no interest in it. Experience is one of the grounds for a job but it is not the only one. Your interest matter a lot.

Develop a Problem Solving Attitude

Many people do not realize that the basic purpose of their job is to solve problems. They are hired to make things go easy. You need to develop a sense of solving problems all the time when you are at work. You already know what you are dealing with so you will be the best they have to solve a problem.

Research Again!

Research, like when you did to find out your passion. It is time to research the company you are interested in. See their vision and try to expand it with your own views. Study what they are looking for.

Learn From Your Mistakes

You will already have experiences there with fail attempts doing what you like to do. It is important that you learn from them. When you were doing it for fun, even failing seemed to be the part of the fun. On the contrary, you cannot afford to fail a lot in your profession. Learn and improvise.



Mohid Ahmed
Mohid Ahmed

Written by Mohid Ahmed

Hello, I am a freelance writer who loves writing about talent management, career and productivity.

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