If You Keep Finding Yourself at A Hectic Job, You Are Looking in The Wrong Place

Mohid Ahmed
5 min readJun 4, 2020


Job Hunt, Career Guide, Career Tips
A Hectic Job is Often Found at the Wrong Place

There is a fine line between a boring job and a hectic job and you need to distinguish between the two. A boring job does not necessarily have to be hectic. It just may be because of lack of your interest in the job and you merely tiring yourself from it. However, a hectic job can be exhausting.

When on our quest of finding the right job, we often find ourselves at a workplace that has a tendency of squeezing the last bit of determination in us. We are full of passion and potential but that job just works its way around us and consumes all our energy. This is what happens when you do not know how to choose a career path.

What Is A Hectic Job?

Job Tips, Career Counselling, Job Hunt
What Defines a Hectic Job?

Let us clear up this first. Any job that makes you feel like you are working too much or all the time is a hectic job. Work that always leaves you in stress and you are always worried about your tasks. You lose count of time and you find yourself always sitting in front of the computer trying to fulfill your commitments. You have to keep up with your boss even if you do not like him. You feel obligated to greet your employees daily though they are mean to you. All that makes your job hectic.

5 Signs That Indicate That Your Job Is Hectic

Job Search, Careers, Career Goals
5 Signs of a Hectic Job

There are numerous ways to tell if your job is hectic. Some important among them are as follow:

1- Work Stress

Stress is something that makes everything worse. Your level of concentration goes down to zero when you start taking stress. If at your workplace, you tend to find yourself stressing over your work, this is a sign that you have ended up in a hectic job. Your work environment is one of the factors of your stress.

2- Lack of experience

Experience does come in handy when starting at a new workplace. Most likely, you are unable to perform well and you are not meeting deadlines. This is because you have a lesser idea about what you are doing. This could make a job very hectic for you. If you had chosen a career which suited your skills, it would have been a lot easier for you.

3- Miss Communication

Miss communication promote misunderstandings. Your communication gap with your boss and other employees could be the reason you are finding it a hectic job. If they do not communicate with you well you will not understand their problem and if you do not know the problem how will you solve it? You will keep on digging the wrong tunnel only to find out a dead end. By that time, you would have made all efforts and you will still be empty-handed. It is no wonder you will find your job hectic.

4- Lack of Allocated Time

If your job requires you to work from 9 am to 5 pm but you are coming in at 8 am but still leaving at 7 pm or 8 pm, it is because the time your job allotting you to do your work is not sufficient. They are trying to utilize you for maximum labor with a minimum timeframe. They do not realize how much burden is it upon you to manage all the tasks in the given time. Time is the key to everything. If you are not provided enough time this will make your job hectic a lot.

5- Failing to Collaborate with Coworkers

Coworkers are supposed to look out for each other. They help each other and work collectively to generate results. If you are in a job for a long time and you still do not get along with your coworkers, you will not enjoy your work and hence failing to produce results. This could make your job more hectic than it already is.

Ask Yourself: Are You on A Wrong Career Path?

Success, Job Hunt, Career Tips
Evaluate Whether You are On the Right Career Path or Not

Time to give it a thought. If you face any of the above signs, it is important that you readjust your focus and start seeing your career from a different angle. You need to ask yourself some questions;

- Are you on your true career path? Is it what you wanted?

- Are you happy here? Are you doing what you love?

- Are all the troubles really worth your time and effort?

If the answer to any of the following is no then you should start thinking about switching your career. It is never too late to start from the beginning. You might be switching to a whole another career. For example, you might be stuck at an IT company for 5 years only to realize at the end that you love wildlife photography and it is your true passion. It is never ever too late to follow your passion. Yes starting early is a plus but it is better to be late than never.

Summing it Up

No one should deserve to remain stuck at a job that he finds hectic. We have given a choice. A choice to either eliminate those factors that are making your job tough or rethink our career options. If you like what you do but it is still hectic for you then try to make things go easy. See what you can do to keep what you like. If you have done everything and yet you are not getting what you thought you will, the time has come for you to do some thinking on changing your career path.



Mohid Ahmed
Mohid Ahmed

Written by Mohid Ahmed

Hello, I am a freelance writer who loves writing about talent management, career and productivity.

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