If You Feel Like Working all the Time, You are Not at Your Favourite Workplace!

Mohid Ahmed
5 min readMay 29, 2020


workplace, job, career

People keep complaining about not being abet to find a perfect or at least suitable job. The most important factor that they mention is happiness that they cannot find at their workplace. Reasons could be hectic routines, unfavorable environment, or a lousy management. Although, it is easy to point fingers so let us take a peak within ourselves.

Do You Love What You Do for Living?

job, career growth, career development

First thing first, if you do not enjoy your work you will not be able to make a successful career in it. Your interest in your work matters a lot. If you are in it just for the sake of money, you will not be completely satisfied with your paycheck. In order to lead a happy life and to sustain success, it is crucial that you find a job that you love doing. You will not feel like working if you do what you love for a living.

Top 5 Reasons You are Unhappy at Work and How to Solve Them?

workplace, work ethics, career management

Now there are certain reasons that might be making you unhappy even at your desirable workplace. You could be going round in circles if you do not analyze the things that are leaving you unhappy. Let us be a help with that.

Though there are many factors involved in making your work unfavorable for you, there are a few that should cross anyone’s mind primarily.

You Lack Motivation

One of the ground reasons for you to be unhappy at your work is that you lack motivation. It could be a fault at your end or at management’s end. Either they are not appreciating your good performance or you are not performing well at all. One way or another, ask for feedback, and go from there.

Too Much Workload

Even if it something that you love doing, it can exhaust you if you are doing it for too long. Excessiveness of everything is harmful. You might be reaching your office with a full heart but by the end of the day, you are the last one to leave and even then your phone won’t stop ringing at home. Table up this discussion with your boss. You are not required nor should you work late.

Problems With Coworkers

If you are not having a good time with the people you work with, you will not survive. Minding your own business does not work at a workplace where a group of people need to work on a particular project. Reason could be your office environment for what they are trained for. If you are not mixing up with the culture of your workplace, you should consider looking for another job. If not, try to be adaptable and diverse. Avoid any unnecessary stress and be a chameleon.

Lower Pay

If you are working day and night and yet you feel like you are not being paid enough, you should ask for a raise. That is the simplest solution for the most common problem. Shed some light on your workload before your boss and let him know how much you are working. Convince him you deserve a raise. On other hand, you can keep a lookout for opportunities to be promoted so you can contribute more to the company and eventually getting paid more.

You Chose the Wrong Path

Choosing a wrong career is one of the major factors for you to be not satisfied with your job. Often we see people disappointed with their work for two reasons. One, they draw conclusions too early. Two, they are unable to do what they thought they will be able to do. There could be two ways to get out of this situation. You either be patient, give it time to see if what you are thinking is actually true. Or you fulfill your dream outside your workplace in off-hours. Regardless of where you are doing what you love to do, it can make you feel much lighter and happier while going to your workplace.

How to Turn Your Current Job into a Perfect Career Path?

career path, career management, talent management

It happens to the best of us that we choose a career path, a job that we like, a workplace that is suitable for us, yet we fail to achieve ultimate success in it. We pour our hearts out in it, give our best to uphold our commitments to the organization yet we fail to fulfill our promises. We love what we do but we are unable to get somewhere with it.

We all have been there and it is not something to sweat over. There are things that you are either not doing or doing them wrong.

  1. Analyze your department requirements. See what they need from you and try to deliver that in time.

2. Have a problem-solving attitude. Do not always be that one employee who brings problems to the table. Be a problem solver. Your company should realize that you are an asset to it.

3. Get in good terms with your boss. Know him better not just for the sake of promotion and raise. But to understand his vision for the organization and try to contribute to it.

4. Look for a mentor and seek guidance. You can be a pro but without proper guidance you can go on the wrong path. Put your self-esteem aside and find a senior that you think can be a good mentor. Consult him for tips and advice.

5. Enlarge your vision. See a better picture. People who are stuck at what they do are because they are only concern with what they do. They do their work and they get paid for it. You need to expand your vision for the organization and the people working in it. If you are working not only for the pay but for the betterment of the company, you will ultimately reach a better position.

Winding it Up

The path you have chosen matters to you and that should be your top priority. Do not let little hurdles in the way stop you from what you are doing. Try to find a loophole that can get you running back on track. Work for yourself but do not forget to look out for others and success will come to you.



Mohid Ahmed
Mohid Ahmed

Written by Mohid Ahmed

Hello, I am a freelance writer who loves writing about talent management, career and productivity.

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