9 Unique Presentation Topic Ideas for Entrepreneurs to Practice More

Mohid Ahmed
7 min readJul 15, 2020


presentation topic ideas, presentation ideas for entreprenuers
presentation topic ideas for entrepreneurs

Business tycoons are dominating the world. We have observed many cases of people that started from nothing and gained success and popularity in no time. Business is a life-changing profession that has changed many lives. We see them, envy their lifestyle, and only think they got success too easily.

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Little do we know that our success in business is dependent on our skills and strategies. It is better to work smart than work hard. Working hard can take years of dedication to reach a benchmark. While working smart can get you there in less time minus the resources that you have to invest in all those years.

Many entrepreneurs have different criteria of working smart but none of them has gained success overnight. Even smart business strategies take time to be effective.

The difference between a person who has given his whole life to his business and could not get it to a better level and the person who has dedicated a few years to his business and has taken it to the skies is the marketing strategies they opt for to grow their business.

Importance of Presentations in a Business

If you own a business, you know what important roles your presentations can play. They are key to the success of your business. When you want investors to invest in your business or you want to have a good impression of your business on stakeholders, you accomplish that through presentations.

Presentations are an excellent way to brief the importance of your proposal or a business idea to everyone onboard. What your words cannot achieve, the visuals of your presentation can. It provides a mental image to everyone about what you have in mind.

What Ideas to Cover in Your Presentation?

Since we have established that presentations are pivotal in delivering your business plan properly, it is important to know what should be involved in a business presentation. A business presentation varies from a usual presentation.

It provides the problem or the needs of customers, it then escalates towards the solution and finally marches towards the procedures and strategies the business will undertake to reach certain goals.

Here are some key factors to involve in your presentation to make it more effective.

1- Marketing Plan

The main and first thing to cover in your presentation is how you will advertise your business on different platforms. Your marketing strategies can do wonders for your business if they are effective. Your marketing plan can involve hiring a marketing specialist to conduct marketing for your product or services. You can plan a billboard advertising for your company or you can also go for digital marketing. However, billboard advertising can cost a lot and will only cover a specific area while you have more reach to your audience through social media platforms and only cheaper. All this should be planned out in your presentation.

2- Business Plan

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Your business plan establishes your business goals. What you want to achieve from your project or what are your expectations from it can all be covered in a business plan. This is the part of your presentation that will pique your investors and shareholder’s interest. Considering they are investing in your business, they will want to know what your idea can do for them or what value it is bringing to the table. You set your long term and short team goals in your plan and that helps you to tackle a few bumps on the road.

3- Product Launch

product launch presentation, product launch

Whenever you come up with a new idea for a product or you want to launch a new one, presentation is an efficient way of getting everyone in the company to be familiar with it. You cannot deliver a speech on a product launch without showing the visuals to your team. They cannot get a mental image just by your talk. It is important that you cover this in your presentation because this can leave a permanent impact on them about the product and thus they will come up with better strategies to promote or sell that product.

4- Data Analysis

entrepreneur presentation topics, presentation ideas

You might have a whole set of data on your current business needs, your customer’s needs or about business strategies. You can analyze all your data in your presentation so that your audience understands it too. It is important that they apprehend your analysis because they are in it with you. Your knowledge of the data is salient for others. Besides, it is more convenient to analyze data with the help of graphics visuals.

5- Finance

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The whole point of presenting your idea is that you can get investors to invest in it. This is why finance is your most crucial part of the presentation. You can visually show them how you value their investment and what innovations it can bring to the business. You can also show earlier financial reports to do a comparison to prove how you have been utilizing resources and generating the best revenues.

6- Pitch Deck

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If you are thinking of setting up a business and if you are new to this, you will need a kind of portfolio to describe the nature of your business in an effective manner. Pitch deck helps you with that. Your pitch book is an information log that you can use in a presentation to give your audience a complete idea about your business with the help of visualized charts and logs. If you want to save yourself a little time and want everything to be conveyed still, use a pitch deck in your presentation.

7- Management Topics

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Your firm needs management and those who are in it have a big role to play. You cannot have a pep talk with each member of the management separately. Instead, you can hover around the subject in your presentation. Carrying on a business with big management can be a handful. It often skips your mind what role each of them are playing towards the welfare of the business. This is why it should be discussed in the presentation. The role and activity of every member should be planned out separately so everyone has a clear idea.

8- Productivity

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A business itself cannot be productive if its members are not very good at it. A business thrives because of the people that are carrying it out. How to be productive can be a very beneficial presentation topic for both you and your coworkers. It can help you in the long run. You can conduct a presentation on it weekly considering the different aspects that can help boost productivity of members. Teach them how to utilize time through a presentation.

9- Business Processes

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Keeping your business organized is a tough job. Every now and then one or two employees will get off the track and will not be as efficient as they were. Being an entrepreneur, you know your business cannot afford your workers falling out of line. This is why you need to have a proper process for it to keep everyone in line. This topic should be covered on a monthly basis through presentations so that everyone has a clear idea about the workaround. Defining your workers’ role in a presentation will make them feel obligated to fulfill their responsibilities.

All these ideas can help you in delivering a perfect presentation. However, it is not to be neglected that modernism has given way to different needs in business. Where these ideas are important now, it should be considered that there will always be more ideas to add in the future as per the needs of business and customers. However, a successful strategy will always revolve around these subject matters in a presentation.



Mohid Ahmed
Mohid Ahmed

Written by Mohid Ahmed

Hello, I am a freelance writer who loves writing about talent management, career and productivity.

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