7 Career Success Tips You Need to Master
The best things in life are acquired by getting out of your comfort zone.
Similarly career success doesn’t come easy, or else every fresh graduate would aim to endeavor to the top of their respective fields straight out of college.
How Do You Define Career Success?
If career success isn’t defined then it becomes impossible to know when it is achieved.
Term career success is subjective in nature and its definition varies from individual to individual.
When discussing career success tips, there are some important commonalities that mostly people agree on.
Therefore career success can be explained as where the individual happily goes to work and does everything that is according to their interests.
However career success is also measured in terms of income, employer and prestige.
Yes, these criteria’s aren’t same for all. Hence without defining career success it gets difficult to define career goals and without goals nothing is planned or achieved at all.
Some points that are to be considered while defining career success are:
1. Stay positive
2. Build career around your values and skills
3. Must manage career just as you would manage your own personal business
4. Look over your skills and potential willingly and critically.
Career success goes hand in hand with life goals therefore it’s equally important to have a clear purpose and direction in your life in order to attain career success.
Moreover, successful people know what they want from life and no one can define that for them. But people such as family, friends, colleagues, mentors, career counselors and managers etc. who know you from different aspects can help you in understanding your career values.
Top 7 Tips for a Successful Career
Here are 7 tips to help you in achieving a satisfying and successful career.
- Choose the Occupation You Love
Before pursuing any career question yourself ‘Can I do this day in and day out every day all through my life?’
While choosing an occupation, ensure that the chosen work fully goes with your previously learned skillset, aptitudes, interests, personality and work related values.
Explore yourself and enhance your knowledge by taking self-assessment. Also conduct an extensive and thorough career research about the occupation you have chosen for yourself from the perspective of learning about job responsibilities, qualifications, salary package and employment.
2. Focus on Professional Success
As the saying goes, ‘actions follow intention’, you must be willing to do everything it takes to get there, in order to achieve professional career success in your chosen career path.
Although it sounds like a minor and irrelevant thing but in reality the willingness to work hard immensely impacts career success.
In short, you put yourself in the right mindset to achieve professional success. When you work hard, you proactively get done the necessary tasks while setting yourself apart from the rest of your coworkers.
3. Define Your Career Goals
Goals help in defining career success and also helps you in weaving your own career path. For example, success for someone may be is to become a CEO of a Fortune 500 company while for someone else career success may mean to pay off their college loans or support their families without any debts.
Also, by setting goals as per your definition of success, you inculcate a powerful motivational source within yourself. Bigger life goals can be achieved by breaking down into simpler, manageable and practicable goals.
4. Ask Mentors for Help
Mentorship is a powerful guide one can have while walking down the career path. As the mentor is ahead of you in career and experience therefore the insight, advice and guidance offered by a mentor is worth as much as gold.
As the mentor themselves have personally gone through the process of building a career that you aspire to build for yourself therefore the mentor can provide wise advice from their knowledge specifically relevant for you to grow. Mentors sagacious guidance can help you deter from running into dead ends in your career path while keeping you steady on the path of success.
Many highest achievers from history, be it businesspeople, entrepreneurs or artists, all have found guidance from mentors.
It’s not guaranteed that a mentor will either make you or break you, however a mentor can help you in acquiring success rapidly.
5. Own Your Mistakes
It’s only human to make mistakes. No matter how much one tries to avoid making a mistake, one eventually ends up making one at one point or another.
After making a mistake the first instinct is to run and hide, but that’s the worst thing you could do to yourself.
In order to be successful, it’s important that you the courage to admit and stand with your mistake while fixing the damage or taking action to mitigate the effects of your mistake as it’ll help you in restoring your reputation.
6. Listen More and Speak Less
A lot can be learned just by listening. Whether it’s a briefing about a new project or your boss or a colleague is sharing their weekend with you, it’s essential for you to understand every bit and detail of what they are saying.
Careful listening prevents misunderstandings while helping you create rapport with others.
7. Beat the Impossible
A little voice within your head will always be whispering to you that you aren’t smart or good enough. Shut that voice out.
Also, unfortunately a lot of people would want you to be unsuccessful. Hence, don’t put yourself through it as well. Made a mistake? Fix it and move ahead. Don’t have a skill? Have shortcomings? Learn improve and improvise by taking the necessary measures.